Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Writers Block
            Don’t you hate it when you have nothing at all to write about, because your life is really boring at the moment? I believe it is called writers block. It is like a disease, where you cannot control what happens to it, and it has no known cure. I find it helpful to look out the window at times like this, then ideas and memories pop into my mind, but at the moment it is dark, and there is nothing to be inspired by. Except for everything. The less common type of writers block is where you have too many ideas so you can’t really make anything with them, because they are each so small. If only there was a way to combine them. My ideas are:
·         The dog
·         Speakers
·         Food
·         Water
·         Darkness
·         Shutters
·         Smashing computers vs. smashing windows
·         Rocks
·         Mythology
·         What am I even writing about?

That is the worst kind of writers block.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great slice! I have had this problem so much, especially when blogging. Nice job describing writers block!
