Friday, March 4, 2016

Blue/The Plastic Pickle
            Today I was reminded of my old dog Blue. We named her after Blue Bell Cookies and Cream Ice Cream, because she was black and white. She was kind of crazy, and she was so scared of thunder that whenever there was just a little rumble, she would hide under the bed for hours. She was also scared of the dark, so she would go under the bed when we turned out the lights.

            We also had a play kitchen, with plastic food. One time a plastic pickle ended up under the bed, but we thought it was Blue’s poop. We didn’t dare go under the bed for years. When friends came over and we played hide and seek, we made sure to tell them about the “poop.” Then when she died and it was still under there, we decided to get it so that it could be part of Blue's memory. That’s when we learned that it was just a plastic pickle.

1 comment:

  1. It is always interesting how one think can be mistaken for another thing. You wrote it in a good pace, and it is a fun story. Good job!
