Wednesday, March 23, 2016

            What did 23 do to deserve this? Nothing, as far as I know. 23 was just a number, in its order. 2,3, 23. It made sense, and it was wonderful. But now it is gone, and we must all count 

How sad. Why is there no more 23? Maybe it was exiled, for doing something wrong? Or maybe it just got lost? Whatever it is, I sure miss 23, though we never got to know it.
 Oh why Max, did you skip SOL 23?


  1. Hm, good question. I really didn't notice... nice slice idea!

  2. I'm glad, if there's not as many SoL days who's going to complain?

  3. I didn't even realize this! poor 23! It is a cool subject.
