Friday, March 25, 2016

Awesome Quotes that I can Relate to

*   My week is basically: Monday, Monday #2, Monday #3, Monday #4, Friday, Saturday, pre-Monday.
*   What if one day you randomly wake up as a baby and realize that your whole life was just a dream. - I have thought this before, but where I would wake up as some weird creature.
*   Always forgive your enemies- nothing annoys them more.
*   Want your favorite song to become your least favorite song? Just make it your alarm tune.
*   Don’t break someone’s heart; they only have one of them. Break their bones, they have 206 of them. – I don’t actually relate with this one, I just think it is funny.
*   I never make the same mistake twice, I make it five or six times, just to be sure.
*   It takes a lot of skill to trip over nothing, fall upstairs, and choke on air. I have that skill.

*   You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend. I’ll teach you.


  1. Haha! I like a lot of those as well, especially the third one. Great job, I'm thinking about doing something like this in a future slice!

  2. Haha!!! I can relate to those too!! This was a fun slice idea!

  3. Very clever! Nice job, these are awesome!

  4. I relate to a lot of these too! Great idea for a slice!

  5. All of these are very amusing and enjoyable, and it is a clever idea. My personal favorite is number five, as it is hysterical and so true.

  6. What a great collection. I think the first one is very clever and the third one is great revenge. Nice job!
