Friday, March 25, 2016

Awesome Quotes that I can Relate to

*   My week is basically: Monday, Monday #2, Monday #3, Monday #4, Friday, Saturday, pre-Monday.
*   What if one day you randomly wake up as a baby and realize that your whole life was just a dream. - I have thought this before, but where I would wake up as some weird creature.
*   Always forgive your enemies- nothing annoys them more.
*   Want your favorite song to become your least favorite song? Just make it your alarm tune.
*   Don’t break someone’s heart; they only have one of them. Break their bones, they have 206 of them. – I don’t actually relate with this one, I just think it is funny.
*   I never make the same mistake twice, I make it five or six times, just to be sure.
*   It takes a lot of skill to trip over nothing, fall upstairs, and choke on air. I have that skill.

*   You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend. I’ll teach you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

            What did 23 do to deserve this? Nothing, as far as I know. 23 was just a number, in its order. 2,3, 23. It made sense, and it was wonderful. But now it is gone, and we must all count 

How sad. Why is there no more 23? Maybe it was exiled, for doing something wrong? Or maybe it just got lost? Whatever it is, I sure miss 23, though we never got to know it.
 Oh why Max, did you skip SOL 23?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Favorite Animals
Bunnies, pandas, harp seals, polar bears, tree kangaroos, anything fuzzy, koalas, wombats, wallabies, lions, ocelots, chipmunks, dogs, turtles, spiders, sea slugs/hares, slugs/snails, dolphins, whales, walruses, snakes, tigers, fuzzballs, teacup Pomeranian, pigs, foxes, wolves, donkeys, elephants, hippos, ant eaters, and red pandas.

My least favorite animals are humans.

Monday, March 21, 2016

E or A
Gray or grey? I’m always confused, it makes no sense, they are both right, but what should I use? Gray or grey? Now they both look weird. Why not just graey? Or greay? So much easier then gray or grey.

Then or than? This one makes no sense, but at least there is a right answer.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Tonight I really don’t feel like doing anything, but I have to do a lot of stuff because of homework. I don’t think there should be homework, and whoever invented it is evil. It is not helpful, and it is very annoying. I am really not in the mood for homework at the moment.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Cheese burger cupcakes

Today I made cheeseburger cupcakes. First I made vanilla cupcakes and brownies, then I cut the cupcakes in half and cut the brownies in circular shapes. I then put a brownie on a half a cupcake, along with red frosting, yellow frosting, and coconut flakes colored green with food coloring. I then put the other half of the cupcake on top, with white sprinkles on top. I also put a weird reddish toothpick on the top, so it looked like a cheeseburger! I got the recipe from nerdy nummies.

Friday, March 18, 2016

My Dream Pizza
My dream pizza would be a white pizza, with lots and lots of mozzarella. It would have that really thin crust, so that it is uber crunchy like a cracker. It would have mushrooms and onions on it, but not too much, so that there is still that yummy crackery crust. I would put tons of cheese on it, and it would be delicious.

What’s your dream pizza?